CC Bus: Free Culture Roadtrip through Central America

It’s been a long time conspiring, but our crazy vision to organize a CC Bus tour through Central America may actually transpire. The plan is to rent one of the region’s ubiquitous mini vans, pack it full with CC enthusiasts and open web folks, and traverse the region for two weeks, holding workshops, salons, parties, and whatever event format necessary to connect the lively Free Culture scene in Central America. On the itinerary are Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, and El Salvador. You can see our route on Google Maps.

We’re eager to meet with local web advocates, artists, Wikipedians, commoners, Free Software developers, librarians, teachers, anyone really! and learn about important initiatives. We hope our dilapidated bus is a good excuse to come out, meet one another, and make things together. If you have any suggestions for projects or activities to visit or invite, please drop a line. We really welcome new ideas and ways to connect these fantastic online communities with lively, offline gatherings. Meetups like these can strengthen personal and organizational ties and hopefully boost the profile of region’s vibrant Free Culture network. A fuller program is coming soon.

This project is made possible by the charming Renata Avila from CC Guatemala and the talented designer, Teresa Sempere GarcĂ­a. It is not an official Creative Commons project, but we’re really keen to visit our CC colleagues in the region and help them kick start this budding community which already includes a CC jurisdiction project in Costa Rica and Guatemala and hopefully soon in the other countries as well.

Dent, email, comment, or edit the wiki to get involved!

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