Wordle: Cloudy Biz Cards

Here’s webby way to make design-tastic business cards. As suggestes take a visit to Wordle, the strangely named word cloud service that generates impressive typographic layouts from any text. Paste in your blog URL, RSS feed, or whathaveyou, and let Wordle do its word clouding magic. Upload the textual cumulus to Flickr and use the image to order youself some “tiny wonderful calling cards” from MOO. If you really want to geek out DIY-style, you could consider toting the cards in a rigged Muji ashtray.

I tried out Wordle with =thronet= posts. Despite the applet taking ages to load, I had fun seeing which words popped up and where. It seems “sousvellance” took center stage, but who knew “PowerPoint” would be so dominant?

By the way, another cool things about Wordle?  All the tag clouds are CC BY 3.0, just like the image above (which is CC BY 3.0 US by Jonathan Feinberg).

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