When smart people who care about media and the web gather to think and build together, magic happens.
The web today encompasses an array of media; books, TV, radio, news, comics, film, music, and the whole lot of ’em have been engulfed by the technology and culture of the web. Knowledge and creative expression, shared digitally among a network of peers, is bendable and remixable to an unprecedented degree. It can yield powerful results.
Yet alongside the opportunities arise many challenges. Industries are in peril. Professions are in flux. Education can’t keep pace. Citizen rights are being ignored and trampled, and new generations of creativity and innovation are choked in the upheaval.
So with all the tugging in different directions, what do we really want the webified media landscape to look like? As a maker of media or a builder of the web, you’ve got a say in this. The web is lego. You can build whatever nifty, fun, creative, innovative version of the media future you like. Together, we can shape things for the better and mold tools to fit our principles.
Media, Freedom and the Web
This is exactly the point of this year’s Mozilla Drumbeat Festival: to gather smart people using the web to reinvent the media.
We’ll spend three days throwing down design jams, hackfests, writing workshops, tech teach ins, science fairs and parties that pull the best of modern web technology and technique into the world of media making.
Whether you’re a web geek who makes media or a media nerd who love the web, this is an event you shouldn’t miss.
The essentials:
Late October/early November in London, UK. We’re working with some great venues and will announce the exact date in the next week or so.
Goals. Get more media people thinking like the web. Run a three-day accelerator. Connect geeks from media organizations with the latest web tech and each other. Lend a hand and promote open tech.
How to get involved. Got an idea for a session? A recommendation for someone who should come? Add your suggestions to the wiki or via this form. Sign up for the Drumbeat mailing list and join the weekly community calls. We want to hear your thoughts about this vision and how to make the festival rock.
Coming soon…
This is a community-owned event. It’s run by kanban, so pull by the participants determines the intensity of the festival’s production. Our job is to field demand and offer direct channels to shape production.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out more and more stuff (release early! release often!). Program themes, session formats, budget allocations, the works. Where we see demand, where we feel participants pulling, that’s where we’ll engage the most. The less glamorous stuff will run in parallel, and you can always ping me or others from the team to learn more.
Fortunately, we’ve got a lot to build on from last year’s Learning, Freedom and the Web festival held in Barcelona, and importantly, a great number of exciting local events leading up to the festival that will feed ideas and prototypes. More on that soon, too.
So geeks, journos, media hackers, data junkies, makers, web developers—get involved! Help us shape this festival, and come to London to get your by-line on the future of media and the web.
When smart people who care about media and the web gather to think and build together, magic happens.
Yet alongside the opportunities arise many challenges. Industries are in peril. Professions are in flux. Education can’t keep pace. Citizen rights are being ignored and trampled, and new generations of creativity and innovation are choked in the upheaval.
So with all the tugging in different directions, what do we really want the webified media landscape to look like? As a maker of media or a builder of the web, you’ve got a say in this. The web is lego. You can build whatever nifty, fun, creative, innovative version of the media future you like. Together, we can shape things for the better and mold tools to fit our principles.
Media, Freedom and the Web
We’ll spend three days throwing down design jams, hackfests, writing workshops, tech teach ins, science fairs and parties that pull the best of modern web technology and technique into the world of media making.
Whether you’re a web geek who makes media or a media nerd who love the web, this is an event you shouldn’t miss.
The essentials:
Coming soon…
This is a community-owned event. It’s run by kanban, so pull by the participants determines the intensity of the festival’s production. Our job is to field demand and offer direct channels to shape production.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out more and more stuff (release early! release often!). Program themes, session formats, budget allocations, the works. Where we see demand, where we feel participants pulling, that’s where we’ll engage the most. The less glamorous stuff will run in parallel, and you can always ping me or others from the team to learn more.
Fortunately, we’ve got a lot to build on from last year’s Learning, Freedom and the Web festival held in Barcelona, and importantly, a great number of exciting local events leading up to the festival that will feed ideas and prototypes. More on that soon, too.
So geeks, journos, media hackers, data junkies, makers, web developers—get involved! Help us shape this festival, and come to London to get your by-line on the future of media and the web.
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