Author: thornet

Hurdles to Collaborative Consumption?

Hurdles by MAJH12 / CC BY-NC-ND It’s been loads of fun diving into the collaborative consumption debate following TEDxKreuzberg. I learned about the Berlin start-up frents, which aims to make it easy to share or rent objects to your friends. The site’s founder Carlo Robert…

Designing for Collaborative Consumption

Last night I had the honor of speaking at TEDxKreuzberg, which was a lot fun and the perfect opportunity to polish up some ideas and practice pontificating in front of a crowd. My talk was about Designing for Collaborative Consumption, and it was inspiring to…

On Bike Locks and Sharing

There’s a forthcoming book on open design curated by Premsela, Dutch Platform for Design and Fasion, Waag Society and Creative Commons Netherlands in partnership with FabLab. Groundwork for Open Design Now was laid during the DMY Maker Lab and later at a workshop in Amsterdam;…

Awesome Foundation Berlin

Think of us like a fast-paced micro-MacArthur Foundation for your flashes of fast-paced micro-genius. – Tim Hwang, Founder of the Awesome Foundation for Arts and Sciences in Boston The Awesome Foundation, a new way to fund small projects, has launched in Berlin. How does it…