Author: thornet

HOWTO: make a nutellachino

Sometimes a screen name sticks. And sometimes it’s just sticky. For this post, I invite you to the sticky, chocolaty story behind one of my online aliases — nutellachino. A nutellachino is a sandwich that I dreamed up long ago, an invention born of necessity…

I work for the Internets: the T-shirt

Some co–conspirators and I are designing something pretty geek-sweet: a T-shirt boasting the motto “I work for the Internets.” The store front is coming soon here! We’re still testing out colors and cuts, so please let us know if you have any suggestions or preferences.…

saving face: installing the participatory panopticon

Just the other day I was mucking about in sousveillance and participatory panopticons, and lo-and-behold my dear alma mater produces a glowing example of its own: The Panopticon: A Facebook Installation. Martha Martinez ’08 pieced together an installation of over 4,500 photos readily available on…

Why Free Music?

I just received a lovely piano compilation by Michael Crawford, Geometric Visions: The Rough Draft. His music is released under CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported, and enclosed in the CD cover is this beautiful message: Why Free Music? I don’t charge money for my music —…

sousveillance: a worm´s eyeview

The camera relieves us of the burden of memory. It surveys us like God, and it surveys for us. — John Berger in About Looking What do you get when you inverse surveillance? A neologism: sousveillance. For those of us who don’t speak français as…