Orwell vs. Kafka: Against nothing-to-hide

In debates about the need to protect privacy, the most common response from people is, **”Well, I have nothing to hide.”** Daniel J. Solove in The Chronicle of Higher Education [unpacks this reply](https://chronicle.com/article/Why-Privacy-Matters-Even-if/127461/) and provides nuanced arguments about **why the usual back-and-forth on privacy is…

24-Hour Bookclub

> [24-Hour Bookclub](24-Hour Bookclub is a reading flashmob organized by Diana Kimball and Max Temkin. Every few months, we pick a book, read it in one day, and talk about it on the internet.) is a reading flashmob organized by Diana Kimball and Max Temkin.…

Webmaker Train the Trainer

Back in March, we kicked off the first in hopefully a series of **train-the-trainer (TTT) events for webmaking.** The idea is to run events that **train people who go on to train others how to [teach the web](https://webmaker.org/en-US/teach/).** We focused on practicing an open and…

Berlin’s Media Art Community: A Female Perspective

Berlin's Media Art Community: A Female Perspective from Michelle Thorne Last month I was kindly invited by [Supermarkt’s](http://www.supermarkt-berlin.net/) founder and curator, Ela Kagel, to **speak about my perspective as a woman in Berlin’s media + tech scene.** We were asked to share our influences, mentors…

#teachtheweb: An Online Course

Today we officially kicked off **[#teachtheweb](http://hivenyc.org/teachtheweb/), a massive open online course (“MOOC”) dedicated to helping people teach the web.** It’s convening nearly **3,000 participants** to share their practice, teaching materials and to learn and hack on the way. A huge shout-out goes to [Laura Hilliger](http://www.zythepsary.com/),…