
# #teachtheweb We’d like to try an experiment in a distributed “marketplace” for webmaking. The idea is simple: **use the hashtag #teachtheweb to ask for and offer help.** # Asking for Help It works like this: Say you’d like to organize a webmaking in your…

10 Photos

Photos: 1. Opera in a former swimming pool. [Kiez Oper](http://www.kiezoper.com/) im Stattbad Wedding, berlin. 2. Floraris Genérica sculpture in Buenos Aires. 3. Community screening of [The Pirate Bay: Away From Keyboard](http://watch.tpbafk.tv/) at c-base. 4. [Eyewriter](http://www.eyewriter.org/) at MoMa. 5. Toronto. 6. Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires. 7.…

Gears of the Tentacle

I’m participating in MIT’s [“Learning Creative Learning”](http://learn.media.mit.edu), a social, online exploration led by [Mitch Resnick](http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/) of [Scratch](http://scratch.mit.edu/) fame, [Philipp Schmidt](http://media.mit.edu/~ps1) from [P2PU](http://info.p2pu.org/), and others. After the obligatory admin of the first session, the class was [asked to think about the “gears of their childhood”](http://learn.media.mit.edu/syllabus.html), based…

Do you creak?

From Slate’s *Lexicon Valley*, [an episode](http://www.slate.com/articles/podcasts/lexicon_valley/2013/01/lexicon_valley_on_creaky_voice_or_vocal_fry_in_young_american_women.html) about a vocal affection in young, “upwardly mobile” American women. It’s called **creaky voice**, and it describes a speaker using staccato bursts in the back of the throat. It’s raspy, deep and quite familiar. The “creaking” sound grates on…