I Work For the Internet

[I Work For the Internet](http://iworkfortheinternet.org/) is freshly launched campaign by [Fighting For Freedom](http://fightforthefuture.org/) against harmful internet blacklist legislation, [SOPA](http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/pdf/112%20HR%203261.pdf), making it’s way through Congress **right now**. A coalition including the EFF, Mozilla, Creative Commons, Wikimedia, and many other organizations [have been rallying](http://americancensorship.org/supporters.html) internet users to…

In the Flesh

>The new magnetism of congregation seems universal…The web becomes not a destination in itself but a route map to somewhere real. — Simon Jenkins, *[Welcome to the post-digital world, an exhilarating return to civility](http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/dec/01/post-digital-world-web)*

My Web.

>When you own a domain you’re a first class citizen of the web. [Adrian Short](http://adrianshort.co.uk/2011/09/25/its-the-end-of-the-web-as-we-know-it/) For the last few months, I’ve been in a blogging slump. Like presumably a lot of people, the sheer number of communication channels has both overwhelmed and satisfying the urge…