The Y-Table

The Y-Table is built for mobile collaboration. The three long slabs connect in the middle, providing maximum workspace and a collapsible structure. Note the blackboard slot for easy signage and doodling. The table was designed by The Anxious Prop for the MakerLab in Milan. P1070271…

In Unicode

Card-carrying members of Working Together For Interrobangs (WTF‽), the talented ⁋ and ℝ launched a few months back. I’m slow to share the news, but it’s a really handy site. Until I get a dedicated interrobang key, I can go straight to my bookmarked…

Mozilla Events: Web, Makers, Community

IMG_0171.jpg / Brett Gaylor / It was a stellar few weeks. I’ve joined Mozilla and over the next few months, I’ll be working to craft a global event strategy to grow a community of people — from web developers to artists, designers, lawyers, filmmakers,…

Maker Lab Milan

If you’re in Milan for the Salone Internazionale del Mobile or Public Design Festival this week, be sure to swing by the Maker Lab Milan. Public hacking will commence!