Branch Magazine: Issue 1

Branch is an online magazine written by and for people who dream of a sustainable and just internet for all. We believe that the internet must serve our collective liberation and ecological sustainability. We want the internet to dismantle the power structures that delay climate…

"Soap bubble", mezzotint by M. Rapine, after an image by Alexandre-Blaise Desgoffe; plate VI in Le monde physique (1882)

Climate justice and trustworthy AI: policy foresight workshop

This workshop is an initiative from Mozilla’s Environmental Champions in Mozilla’s Sustainability Program and will be facilitated by Michelle Thorne and Fieke Jansen. The world will cross the 1.5 degree warming threshold in 2024, quicker than previously estimated, forecasts the UN World Meteorological Organization. We…

Internet Emissions: Seven Layers

In the past year, when talking about the internet’s emissions, it has been hard to pinpoint what part of the internet emits what amount of greenhouse gases. We have big general numbers, like the internet accounting for 2% of global emissions, and then very specific…