Open Data Hackday

There is an open data movement afoot. Now. Around the world. — Tim Berners-Lee on TED, Feb. 2010 That was certainly the sentiment I felt at last weekend’s Open Data Hackday. The two-day meet-up for geeks, journalists, and data liberators pushed against solid challenges: How…

A Fablab for Berlin: Open Design City

From betahaus It might have been around for a couple of weeks already: We are about to add a new ingredient to the betahaus DNA this april. Together with palomar5, lasernlasern, bausteln and Mechatronik Werkstatt Berlin we will set up Berlin’s first fablab in the…

Delivered in Beta – Open Design Workshop

“Make something for dinner” was the assignment at the two-day Open Design workshop in betahaus. No, we weren’t just talking about preparing a yummy dish, but rather participants were to use open design principles and tools to build something to bring to the dinner table,…