DIY Seminar @ Braunschweig HBK

A seminar about creativity and DIY culture wrapped up on Saturday at Braunschweig’s HBK. Over the course of three weeks, students learned about many open tools and processes, focusing on realizing their creativity both on and offline. They learned how to program an Arduino, how…

Free Culture Book Sprint @ transmediale

Traditional book production time lines are normally measured in months and years. Book Sprints produce comparable content in 2-5 days. The Transmediale Book Sprint: Write a book with us! Topic: Free Culture Jan 18-22, Berlin & online Info Session (optional):  Jan. 12, 13:00h @ St.…

Commons Manifesto: Strengthen the Commons – Now!

A thesis paper, drafted during the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s interdisciplinary political salons, seeks to capture the complexity and importance of natural and knowledge commons. The manifesto, written jointly by the salon’s attendees and lead by Silke Helfrich, is a rallying call for the public to…

Bright Green Games Score Points for the Planet

10 points for braking. Drive 30km/h to score 5 more points. You have unlocked Road Warrior Level 10. Phrases like above are familiar to game console players, but now innovative green tech like Honda’s Eco-Assist integrates gameplay into real-life activities like driving your car. Game…

Archives for the Future

We’re at Communia and hearing about some very innovative memory institutions and archives. Yeah, yeah. The word archives puts everyone to sleep, but here are three projects that should perk you up. Images for the Future Images for the Future is a joint project funded…