Tag: webmakerinayear

Fun with translucency

I really enjoyed this project, which uses translucency in PNG files to fun effect: So I decided to do a quick remix: As part of my [Webmaker in a Year](http://michellethorne.cc/2013/07/webmaker-in-a-year/) efforts, I’ve also started the [Javascript lesson in Codecademy](http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/javascript), which so far isn’t that intimidating…

Super Mario Wall

This took longer than I’d like to admit (two days worth), but I finally got the positioning down (more or less). Instead of using px as measurements, I switched to em and percentages, so that the objects stay (to some extent) in the same spot…

Mario Wall

Today I tried out [Google Fonts](https://www.google.com/fonts/) but think I made a mistake, since they weren’t displaying properly. So then I went crazy trying to recreate a Super Mario scene, using images picked up across the web. I still can’t get the li to align properly.…

Webmaker in a Year

After publishing this, Laura generously sent me a [remixed comic](https://laura.makes.org/thimble/some-css-cheats-i-like) with very cool CSS tricks. Will try these out tomorrow!