Tag: Wise-Words

Filter Failure

>Clay Shirky suggests that there’s **no such thing as information overload, only filter failure.** This is a very modern response to an older question. Futurist Alvin Toffler warned us about information overload, popularizing the phrase. It’s an extension of the idea of sensory overload, the…


[How to Vacuum Form a Guy Fawkes Mask](http://datenform.de/blog/how-to-vacuum-form/) by [Aram Bartholl](https://secure.flickr.com/photos/bartholl/sets/72157629097828429/) / [CC BY NC ND](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) >I’m interested in collective being. **I’m interested in making it easier for people to be public and social selves,** as Martin Luther King certainly was. The risk is that…

Clopen = Closed + Open

>Google has made much of Android being “open” for use by anyone and thus potentially better than the “closed” system of the Apple iOS world. **But “clopen” would be a better way to describe Android, as some have, because it’s both closed and open at…

Tech Criticism

>At the end of this year I’m thinking about **the need for proper criticism of software,** alongside other arts like theater, movies, music, books, travel, food and architecture. **It’s finally time to stop being all gee whiz about this stuff.** Tech is woven into the…

It’s Own Thang.

>It’s an incredibly exciting time to be creating things on the web. This year’s advances in browsers, standards, and smart thinking have enabled us to finally begin to web design. **We’re no longer forced to think of the web as a digital reproduction of physical…