Poplab! Introduction to Popcorn Maker

This week, [Laura Hilliger](http://www.zythepsary.com/) and I held an **[Introduction to Popcorn Maker](http://www.supermarkt-berlin.net/en/content/diy-masterclass-4-remixing-and-editing-online-video)** workshop at Supermarkt, the lovely community space in Berlin, Wedding.

Based on the participants’ feedback, **they really enjoyed it and learned a lot.** If you’re so inspired, please feel free to build on this agenda, host your own intro to Popcorn Maker, and tell us how it went!

Here are our agenda notes:

## Learning Objectives ##

By the end of the four-hour workshop, participants will be able to:

* Augment video on the web
* Remix web content
* Understand basic information architecture & procedural storytelling
* Be familiar with Story Vision Tech (SVT)
* Plan a simple web native story

## Agenda ##

#### Go around — *(5min)*

* Name
* What are you working on?
* What do you want to get out of this?

#### Spectogram — *(15min)*

* Interaction adds value to a story.
* A story always has a beginning, middle, and end.
* A film made for and with the web can win an Oscar.

#### X-Ray Goggles — *(30min)*

* Hack your favorite website using the [Hackasaurus X-Ray Goggles](http://hackasaurus.org/en-US/goggles/)

#### Discussion: Intro to the Open Web — *(20min)*

* Hackability
* View Source
* Standardization

#### Thimble Projects — *(30min)*

* Try out the [Make Your Own Meme](https://thimble.webmaker.org/en-US/projects/meme/edit) project on Thimble
* Next give the [Save the Bunnies](https://thimble.webmaker.org/en-US/projects/bunnies/edit) project a go
* Share what you made.

#### Break — *(15min)*

* Grab a coffee.
* We did a version of Hack the Robot Dance here to get people’s energy back up.

#### Intro to Popcorn and Web Native Film — *(10min)*

* [Show demos](http://popcornjs.org/demos)
* Explain dynamic data
* Web standards
* Hackable and remixable
* Visual interface vs .js library
* Not replacement for video editing software
* [More resources](http://maker.mozillapopcorn.org/storycamp/)

#### Popcorn Maker Project I: Robots (procedural storytelling) — *(30min)*

* Play with the [Robots template ](http://maker.mozillapopcorn.org/templates/supported/robots/)

#### Popcorn Maker Project II: Remixing using the Popup template — *(15min)*

* Use a commercial from the [Prelinger archive](http://archive.org/details/prelinger_commercials) and add commentary using the [Popup template](http://maker.mozillapopcorn.org/templates/supported/popup/).

*Next: Give participants two options: in smaller groups, either learn about planning a web native story, or continue hacking on template projects.*

#### Path 1: Planning a web native story — *(30min)*

* Paper prototype a web native story using Story Vision Tech (SVT).
* Sketch storylines and wireframe as much as possible.

#### Path 2: Continue hacking on templates — *(30min)*

* Keep hacking on a project that interests you.
* Or try to [make your own template](http://www.k88.ca/blog/2012/04/27/how-to-make-and-test-a-template-for-popcorn-maker/).

#### Feedback & Share What You Made — *(10min)*

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  1. Pingback: Results for week beginning 2012-08-06 « Iron Blogger Berlin

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