Category: digital culture

Public Private Property

Imagine Couchsurfing…for drills. A platform with profile pages, ratings, and social networking for any physical objects, be it household appliances, office supplies, or exotic and rare rentals. Users upload information about objects they own, which can be searched and requested by other users. The objects…

BarCamp Hamburg 2008

Hands-on conferencing in the Hansestadt! BarCamp Hamburg is in full swing in the welcoming OTTO GmbH offices. There’s 83 slotted sessions over two days. Quite a few sessions are talking about “x + 2.0” (China, Mobile, Hotel, Browser Games, World Improvement), but thankfully there are…

Partizipatorisches Panoptikum

“Wer hat denn DIESES Foto gemacht?” Ein verdrossener Klick und das Fotoalbum blättert weiter. “Das glaube ich nicht. Es wurde wirklich überall fotografiert…” Ärgern über unvorteilhafte Fotos, das gehört dazu zum Leben der Promis und Hollywood-VIPs, die tagtäglich Hunderte veröffentlichter Fanfotos entdecken. Nur zum Leben…

Obama’s Loss Traced To Michelle Thorne

Single Nonvoter Tipped Election To McCain-Palin Ticket. Brilliant get-out-the-vote video from But no worries Uh-merica. I sent out my ballot last week! (photo evidence coming soon…as is better video support). In the meantime, some great screenshots from the mock-news:

Wikis Take Berlin!

Inspired by the successful Wikis Take Manhattan photo scavenger hunt held last week, Berlin free culture folks will take to the streets on Oct. 18-19 for the first Wikis Take Berlin. Armed with cameras and target lists, participants will comb the Hauptstadt’s neighborhoods, capturing its…