Category: events

Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab in London

Next up in the round of event recipes, Brett & I wrote up a **[Popcorn learning lab](** Since publishing the [Popcorn hack jams]( how-to, we’ve been in touch with [film festivals](, [coder communities](, and ( from all over about running events about Popcorn. ## Skill…

HowTo: Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab

# Popcorn Learning Lab # A **Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab** is an event to introduce developers and filmmakers to [Popcorn.js](, an HTML5 javascript library that integrates the web into media production. Participants will **[create plugins](, hack [templates](, and code a [demo](** that easily remixes web…

Mozilla Event Menu: Testing Continues

It’s been really helpful to hear feedback from colleagues & the community about the Mozilla Event Menu (see [Version 0.2](, and here’s a shoutout to Gianfranco for his thoughtful input & article about the menu [on Conference Basics](! ## Version 0.3 ## Rolling in the…

Feature Requests for Webmakers

As part of the on-going efforts to help webmakers the world over build & learn together, **we’re collecting specs for event infrastructure.** The [Mozilla event menu]( is a piece of this, guiding community members to the event formats that best suit their needs and interests.…

Sage on the Stage

A satiric reminder of why Powerpoint presentations suck. In case we forgot. *via [Conference Basics](*