Category: Free Culture


>What I wish Wikipedia (and others) were saying: >”Today, we’re going to an extreme to notify the public of bills that threaten the Internet. **We’re doing so because this was the only way to get your attention.** >**The mainstream news media was not going to…

Wissenswert: €5000 for Free Knowledge projects

A fantastic initiative from Wikimedia Germany: an idea competition, “Wissenswert”, calling for projects that further Free Knowledge. Winning submissions can receive up to €5000. I’d love to see projects in the spirit of the “School of Open“, an idea Jane Park (@janedaily) proposed during the…

OKCon and A Generation of Bold Web Makers

The Open Knowledge Foundation is putting on its annual conference in Berlin at the end of the month. Daniel Dietrich has done a stellar job pulling together some of the most active and inspiring people in the Free/Open space, and I’m really looking forward to…

LibreBus: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Guatemala City Volcanoes01 bySir James / Public Domain, found in Wikimedia Commons Guatemala We broke our fast in San Salvador with tortillas, pancakes, and “American” coffee. A great tragedy in Central America is how delicious local foods, like coffee and tortillas stuffed with yumminess, are…

LibreBus: San Salvador, El Salvador

San Salvador downtown by Public Domain, found in Wikimedia Commons San Salvador Hyper from a night of hotel-room karaoke with the Free Software program Performous, we jumped into the Librebus to journey from Tegucigalpa to San Salvador. The half-day’s drive through forested hills and…