Category: Uncategorized

Gathering for a Sustainable Internet

Last year Fieke Jansen and I organized a foresight workshop on Sustainability and Trustworthy AI,which convened practitioners working in digital rights, AI technology, racial justice and the climate movement in Europe. This year we continued the conversation in the first Gathering for a Sustainable Internet.…

Introducing the Green Web Fellowship

I’ve been advising the Green Web Foundation on a new fellowship program. Below is a cross-post of what the program sets out to achieve. You can read more about the amazing fellows: Hannah Smith , Emilio Velis, Fieke Jansen, Melissa Hsiung , and Slammer Musuta…

Democratic Toys

The toy manufacturer Fisher Price released a play set for the home office. Kittens and puppies feature as your coworkers when you flip open your laptop or make a call on your smartphone. The telecommuter headset, to-go coffee cup and charts depicting hockey-stick growth complete…

Contemplation on not-ending, not-concluding

My residency in motherhood Many months ago, I set out to understand what a “small utopia” meant to me. Prompted by the birth of my son, and against the backdrop of social and political upheaval the world over, I strove to reevaluate what matters to…

It’s capitalism, stupid.

Residency report: March I’m well into my activist-in-residency in motherhood, and it seems like a good moment to write up my thoughts so far as I read and talk to friends about utopias and “a better world”. I began this project with a far-reaching syllabus,…