Webmaker Mentors in 2013

# An inflection point We’re at **an inflection point with learning and making.** What was once simmering quietly in makerspaces and classrooms is now boiling. **Makers and mentors,** and all sorts of hackers and radical educators in between, are the key players. **The maker movement**,…

Localizing Mozilla’s Thimble

Localization is such an important factor in accessibility and inclusion. Thrilled by Atul’s leadership in **[making Thimble localization a reality](http://transifex-thimble.toolness.org/)!** Here’s how it works: * To translate: [https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/friendlycode/](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/friendlycode/) * Live localizations: [http://transifex-thimble.toolness.org/](http://transifex-thimble.toolness.org/) * File bugs: [https://github.com/mozilla/friendlycode/issues](https://github.com/mozilla/friendlycode/issues) * More instructions and FAQs: [https://etherpad.mozilla.org/thimble-l10n](https://etherpad.mozilla.org/thimble-l10n) # Get Started…

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Peter & I landed in Buenos Aires, where we’ll spend the next month “travorking”, traveling and working. With the Bohemian neighborhood of San Telmo as our base, we’ll work regularly during the week and then head out to the Pampas and the beaches on the…

Mozfest 2012: The Aftermath Report

## About **The Mozilla Festival (#mozfest) is an annual read/write event for anyone interested in learning about – and making – the future of the web.** It is an unique platform for bringing together key contributors to discuss, hack on and teach the open web…

One Year Iron Blogger Berlin

Read the lovely [antischokke’s post](http://antischokke.de/2012/12/28/ein-jahr-iron-blogger-berlin/) about Iron Blogger Berlin. With ca. 20 bloggers, 900EUR collected, and just as much consumed in beer, it’ll be fun to keep on writing into 2013, even if sometimes slacking gets the best of me.