10 Photos.

1. Señor Amarillo. 2. [Surto Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutro_Tower). On an ambitious and sunny day, [⁋](http://parkerhiggins.net/) and I climbed to the top, discovering the even better lookout at [Tank Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Hill) along the way. 3. [Stattbad Wedding](http://www.stattbad.net/). Swimming pool turned skating rink turned art space in Berlin Wedding. 4.…

10 Photos.

1. Visitors Welcome. Sign at my grandfather’s house. “Take nothing but pictures and sea grass. Leave nothing but footprints. Enjoy.” 2. Fuji-San. 3. Designing the Mozfest 2012 website. All post-it brainstorms look the same from afar. 4. Inside [Platform4](http://www.platform4.dk/ ), a maker hub and coworking…

The Mullet: What We Made Last Week

I spent last week in San Francisco with a few dear colleagues from Mozilla. Definitely take a look at [Ben Simon](https://engagingopenly.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/moving-forward-with-distributed-events/) & [Michelle Levesque’s](https://rwxweb.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/an-event-kit/) great summaries, too. Hundreds of whiteboards and office snacks later, I’m happy to say we ended the sprint with: * **A…

Teaching the 4th “R”. Fireside Chat with Cathy Davidson

Last week Mozilla hosted [a fireside chat](http://lanyrd.com/2012/CathyDavidson/) with Cathy Davidson: author, academic, and pedagogic provocateur. The chat was framed around what the Duke professor calls the **fourth ‘R’**. Cathy [argues](http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/a-fourth-r-for-21st-century-literacy/2011/12/29/gIQAxx2BWP_blog.html) that in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, we need to teach **“algoRithms,”** the logic…

Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab in London

Next up in the round of event recipes, Brett & I wrote up a **[Popcorn learning lab](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/02/howto-popcorn-learning-lab/).** Since publishing the [Popcorn hack jams](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/popcorn-hack-jams/) how-to, we’ve been in touch with [film festivals](http://www.hotdocs.ca/), [coder communities](http://codeforamerica.org/), and (http://www.leuphana.de/inkubator/digitale-medien/moving-image-lab.html) from all over about running events about Popcorn. ## Skill…