
>What I wish Wikipedia (and others) were saying: >”Today, we’re going to an extreme to notify the public of bills that threaten the Internet. **We’re doing so because this was the only way to get your attention.** >**The mainstream news media was not going to…

Video! Mozilla Event Menu

In preparation for the [Mozilla Foundation All-Hands](https://wiki.mozilla.org/MoFoAllHands2012) this week in Toronto, **we were asked to make a video explaining what we’re working on.** The goal was both to produce a snappy, visual artifact and to play around with [Popcorn Maker](http://mozillapopcorn.org/popcorn-maker/), a web authoring tool for…

Clopen = Closed + Open

>Google has made much of Android being “open” for use by anyone and thus potentially better than the “closed” system of the Apple iOS world. **But “clopen” would be a better way to describe Android, as some have, because it’s both closed and open at…

The Mozilla Event Menu: Early, Early Draft

As [mentioned](http://michellethorne.cc/2011/12/mozilla-festival-what-next/) [earlier](http://michellethorne.cc/2011/12/fireside-chat-starting-a-learning-network-in-your-city/), this year we’re all about kitting out [web makers around the globe](https://commonspace.wordpress.com/2011/10/05/mozilla-learning-summary/) to build and learn about the web in **formats that are fun, sane, and effective.** So in particular, as an event model for the coming year takes shape, participants and…

The Self-Reliance Economy

>Basically, they hire a middleman. Procter & Gamble, for instance, realized that although Walmart is its single largest customer, System D outposts [off-the-books, self-reliance economies], when you total them up, actually account for more business. So Procter & Gamble decided to get its products into…