Mickey Mouse as a Cultural Battlefield

Mickey Mouse is a legendary symbol in the copyfight. Of late, though, I’ve been noticing a surprising number of Mickey references — in street art, activism, and high-end fashion — that are making me revisit the controversial Disney mouse. In winter 2008 H&M had a…

Open Up! Creative Commons Case Studies for Design

Open Up! Creative Commons Case Studies in Design on Slideshare Last month, John and I gave a presentation about Open Design at the DMY Symposium in Berlin. It was a bright and welcoming audience of young designers from the International Design Festival DMY. We were…

Illegal Street Knitting

Walking around Kreuzberg a few months ago, I spotted my first “illegal street knitting”. Masquerade, the playful rouge knitters behind the guerrilla action, document their stitched streets bombs on their site and share their thoughts about the craftism movement. You might also catch their work…

Art + Arduino = Artuino

If you haven’t yet played with Arduino, the low-cost open source hardware that’s captured the imagination of geeks and artboys alike, then you should really try one out (Berlin retailers: Tinkersoup and Fritzing). The chip is incredibly versatile and easy to use, and you can…

Artvertiser: Augmented Reality Replaces Ads With Art

Wanna combine adbusting with bleeding edge gadgetry? Check out this toy, the Artvertiser. It’s a netbook hacked with a video camera so it can recognize billboard advertising and overlay it with art images. Talk about product re-placement! The project uses Free and open source software,…