Coworking and Travorking

Coworking is a brilliant idea. You’re a nomadic professional, tired of schlepping your laptop and shelling out $2.50/hr in coffee at your local cafe. You’d like to be around interesting folks, learn about their work, and share contacts and experience. College was a luxury of…

Wanna Learn Arabic? Some Cool Tools and Sites

One thing I appreciate about the net is that people are always compiling lists to share their experiences and help others find (or avoid!) certain tools and sites. With that spirit in mind, I thought I’d jot down some services I’ve come across so far…

Open Workspace @ Openeverything Berlin

This month we’ll be talking about new forms of co-working, collaboration, and office sharing. Joining us: Hallenprojekt (Berlin) – Sebastian Sooth (Twitter: sebaso) Station C (Montreal) – Patrick Tanguay (Identica: patrick, Twitter: inevernu) Betahaus (Berlin) – Jan Tanner (Twitter: betahaus) Where:  newthinking store, Tucholskystr. 48,…

Open Design @ oebf Mar. 26

The second Open Everything Berlin Fokus kicks off 26.03.09 at 7.30 pm, newthinking store, Tucholskystr. 48. The theme? Open Design. We invite designers, retailers, thinkers, makers and users to discuss and share their point of view and experience in the field of OPEN DESIGN. We…