HOWTO: Be a cool old person

People fret all the time about getting old. They are frightened about losing their hair; they are afraid about losing touch with the times. For people caught up chasing eternal youth, there is no greater fear than withering into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon. But…

Wikis Take Berlin!

Inspired by the successful Wikis Take Manhattan photo scavenger hunt held last week, Berlin free culture folks will take to the streets on Oct. 18-19 for the first Wikis Take Berlin. Armed with cameras and target lists, participants will comb the Hauptstadt’s neighborhoods, capturing its…

Googlegängers and Bubble Tea

“bubble tea, homemade style” by massdistraction | CC NC ND Yesterday I had the pleasure of again joining the Küchenradio team, this time in a more relaxed apartment setting rather than the last week´s stage experiment. We chatted about Googlegängers (there`s a lady that makes…


My new neighborhood Graefekiez in Kreuzberg, Berlin always yields pleasant serendipity. Last night taz Twitter-er & Socialbar planner Jan Michael Ihl and I bumped into Philip, Andreas, and Cindy from the Berliner quatsch-clique Küchenradio. We chatted for nearly an hour half hour about Creative Commons,…

Invest in your favorite musicians

There’s of course been plenty of head-scratching and brainstewing over the years about how to build new, viable business models for musicians. Plenty of fingers have been pointed at file sharing networks as the root of all profit-falling evil, but despite the bad press and…