Tag: webmaker

Blast Off!

I’ve been playing with [Javascript thanks to Codecademy](http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/javascript) (at the moment, working on if/else statements and for loops). And now [CSS3 transitions](http://html5css3box.com/transitions/) have caught my eye. Surfing around, there are **a lot of beautiful designs I’d like to learn how to do.** Some examples: *…

Super Mario Wall

This took longer than I’d like to admit (two days worth), but I finally got the positioning down (more or less). Instead of using px as measurements, I switched to em and percentages, so that the objects stay (to some extent) in the same spot…

Webmaker in a Year

After publishing this, Laura generously sent me a [remixed comic](https://laura.makes.org/thimble/some-css-cheats-i-like) with very cool CSS tricks. Will try these out tomorrow!

Making a difference by making the web

These days, with all the Prism/Tempura surveillance we’re learning about, **one can feel quite powerless.** For many it seems that there are just two responses: to either disengage with the web and [go completely offline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP7ebyqBn_M&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZP7ebyqBn_M) or to shrug and say [“I’ve got nothing to hide.”](http://michellethorne.cc/2013/06/orwell-vs-kafka-against-nothing-to-hide/)…

Webmaker Train the Trainer

Back in March, we kicked off the first in hopefully a series of **train-the-trainer (TTT) events for webmaking.** The idea is to run events that **train people who go on to train others how to [teach the web](https://webmaker.org/en-US/teach/).** We focused on practicing an open and…