Tag: webmaker

The Mullet: What We Made Last Week

I spent last week in San Francisco with a few dear colleagues from Mozilla. Definitely take a look at [Ben Simon](https://engagingopenly.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/moving-forward-with-distributed-events/) & [Michelle Levesque’s](https://rwxweb.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/an-event-kit/) great summaries, too. Hundreds of whiteboards and office snacks later, I’m happy to say we ended the sprint with: * **A…

Teaching the 4th “R”. Fireside Chat with Cathy Davidson

Last week Mozilla hosted [a fireside chat](http://lanyrd.com/2012/CathyDavidson/) with Cathy Davidson: author, academic, and pedagogic provocateur. The chat was framed around what the Duke professor calls the **fourth ‘R’**. Cathy [argues](http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/a-fourth-r-for-21st-century-literacy/2011/12/29/gIQAxx2BWP_blog.html) that in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, we need to teach **“algoRithms,”** the logic…

Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab in London

Next up in the round of event recipes, Brett & I wrote up a **[Popcorn learning lab](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/02/howto-popcorn-learning-lab/).** Since publishing the [Popcorn hack jams](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/popcorn-hack-jams/) how-to, we’ve been in touch with [film festivals](http://www.hotdocs.ca/), [coder communities](http://codeforamerica.org/), and (http://www.leuphana.de/inkubator/digitale-medien/moving-image-lab.html) from all over about running events about Popcorn. ## Skill…

HowTo: Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab

# Popcorn Learning Lab # A **Mozilla Popcorn Learning Lab** is an event to introduce developers and filmmakers to [Popcorn.js](http://mozillapopcorn.org/), an HTML5 javascript library that integrates the web into media production. Participants will **[create plugins](http://popcornjs.org/plugins), hack [templates](http://mozillapopcorn.org/maker/lib/userManual.html), and code a [demo](http://popcornjs.org/demos)** that easily remixes web…

Mozilla Event Menu: Testing Continues

It’s been really helpful to hear feedback from colleagues & the community about the Mozilla Event Menu (see [Version 0.2](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/mozilla-event-menu-lite/)), and here’s a shoutout to Gianfranco for his thoughtful input & article about the menu [on Conference Basics](http://www.conferencebasics.com/2012/01/event-menu-mozilla/)! ## Version 0.3 ## Rolling in the…