Author: thornet

Wordle: Cloudy Biz Cards

Here’s webby way to make design-tastic business cards. As Rebecca Froley suggestes, take a visit to Wordle, the strangely named word cloud service that generates impressive typographic layouts from any text. Paste in your blog URL, RSS feed, or whathaveyou, and let Wordle do its…

Weezer captures the essence of the internets

How have I missed this video? Weezer’s music video Pork and Beans features, well, um, just about everybody. Everybody of YouTube fame, that is. It’s like a big ROFLCon reunion. I’ve been trying to keep track of the references. Spot any others? Diet Coke +…

Spread Firefox: Download Day!

Today’s the day to download the newest version of Mozilla Firefox, the fast and free browser. Firefox 3 has a number of cool features, which you can read about in this field guide. There is also the revamped ccSearch in the browser’s toolbar. This search…

PowerPoint Karaoke on Vacation

As the Boston Globe notes, “If you’ve never heard of PowerPoint Karaoke, that probably means you’re neither German nor a hardcore techie.” Well, I suppose I’m guilty on two counts. But at least that helps explain why I adore this über-g33k party game: PowerPoint Karaoke.…