Category: berlin

Open Data Hackday

There is an open data movement afoot. Now. Around the world. — Tim Berners-Lee on TED, Feb. 2010 That was certainly the sentiment I felt at last weekend’s Open Data Hackday. The two-day meet-up for geeks, journalists, and data liberators pushed against solid challenges: How…

A Fablab for Berlin: Open Design City

From betahaus It might have been around for a couple of weeks already: We are about to add a new ingredient to the betahaus DNA this april. Together with palomar5, lasernlasern, bausteln and Mechatronik Werkstatt Berlin we will set up Berlin’s first fablab in the…

atoms&bits: what’s happening this week?

(from antischokke) Da wir inzwischen viel mehr Events im Rahmen des atoms&bits-Festivals ankündigen können, als wir zu wünschen gewagt hatten, ist die Kalenderansicht auf unserer Website etwas unübersichtlich geworden. Stefie hat sich die Mühe gemacht, eine kleine Zusammenfassung der Events am Wochenende in unseren Locations…

Doctorow’s Makers Reading in Berlin

“For the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things.” Join us on Sept. 22 for a public reading of Makers, the new serialized novel by hacktivist and BoingBoing author Cory Doctorow, as part of the Berlin festival Atoms & Bits. What happens when hardware hackers…