Teach the Web: MOOC, Party, and Beyond

Lots of great things brewing at the moment. I’d like to take a moment to tie them together and share the latest thinking from the [Webmaker Mentor team and community.](https://webmaker.org/en-US/teach/) An overview: * Growing a **[leadership circle of Webmaker Super Mentors](https://sendto.mozilla.org/page/s/be-a-mozilla-super-mentor)** * Running an **[online…

A Mindcraft Roller Coaster

Pretty [impressive Beetlejuice roller coaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=afcudstM9zA) in Mindcraft. How many hours do you think it took to build it?

Recent Reading

A nice thing about being on the road is that there’s a lot of time to read. (And to watcha lot of TV series, but that’s another story.) Here are some quick recommendations: ## [The Year of Magical Thinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Year_of_Magical_Thinking) by Joan Didion > We are…

10 Photos

1. Acropolis. 2. Lamps in Athens. 3. Hackerspace.gr. 4. Chicago’s river dyed green for St. Patrick’s Day. 5. #freebassel postering in Chicago. 6. DIY game controller made from old keys. 7. Ice fishing early in the morning. No filter. 8. “Mozilla is so good it…