It’s capitalism, stupid.

Residency report: March I’m well into my activist-in-residency in motherhood, and it seems like a good moment to write up my thoughts so far as I read and talk to friends about utopias and “a better world”. I began this project with a far-reaching syllabus,…

Activist in residency (in motherhood)

What is it? This is a self-directed residency taking place during my parental leave. Over the next few months, between nap times and playing with my infant son, I’d like to investigate: Small utopias. What does “a better world” mean to me? What intellectual and…

ThingsCon Report: State of Responsible IoT

The ThingsCon report The State of Responsible IoT is a collection of essays by experts from the inter-disciplinary ThingsCon community of IoT practitioners. It explores the challenges, opportunities and questions surrounding the creation of a responsible & human-centric Internet of Things (IoT). For your convenience…

Mozilla’s Open IoT Studio: June 2017 Poster

Download our newsletter poster! Welcome! Mozilla’s Open IoT Studio welcomes you to read about our activities and insights from January – June, 2017. Together with partners and network members around the globe, we are researching, building and learning about what it means to strive for…