Mozilla’s Open IoT Studio: the first half year

Earlier this year, Mozilla launched a program exploring the Internet of Things. This is an update of what we’ve made since then. We’ll soon publish more about what we learned and how we’d like to take this program forward. Why is Mozilla interested in IoT?…

Understanding the Connected Home, 2nd edition

The second edition of our book Understanding the Connected Home is out. Peter Bihr and I fully revised and updated this edition. It’s both broader and deeper and reflects our thinking around connected homes and smart homes, IoT and ethics, and some other related fields.…

Exploring the Internet of Things with Mozilla

Cross-posted on Mozilla’s Leadership Network blog Tomorrow’s Internet is going to be everywhere. Connectivity will be embedded in your transportation, your home, your places of learning and work, your clothing and probably even in your skin. It is estimated that by 2020, 41 billion devices…