Tag: webmaker

Feature Requests for Webmakers

As part of the on-going efforts to help webmakers the world over build & learn together, **we’re collecting specs for event infrastructure.** The [Mozilla event menu](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/mozilla-event-menu-lite/) is a piece of this, guiding community members to the event formats that best suit their needs and interests.…

Popcorn Hack Jams — First Cut at a HowTo

As described in the last post, we’re working on general event types that can plug in Mozilla’s programmatic content. See the [Mozilla Event Menu Lite](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/mozilla-event-menu-lite/) for more background. [Brett Gaylor](http://etherworks.ca/) and I took a first stab at a **[hack jam kit for video-makers](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Events/Hack_Jam/Popcorn).** This kit…

Mozilla Event Menu Lite

With a little over a week of digestion since the Mozilla Foundation All-Hands, I’ve revised the event menu [shared a few weeks back](http://michellethorne.cc/2012/01/mozilla-event-menu/). The most resounding feedback was: “great to see this overview, **but there’s too much stuff!”** So much of the revisions in version…

Video! Mozilla Event Menu

In preparation for the [Mozilla Foundation All-Hands](https://wiki.mozilla.org/MoFoAllHands2012) this week in Toronto, **we were asked to make a video explaining what we’re working on.** The goal was both to produce a snappy, visual artifact and to play around with [Popcorn Maker](http://mozillapopcorn.org/popcorn-maker/), a web authoring tool for…

The Mozilla Event Menu: Early, Early Draft

As [mentioned](http://michellethorne.cc/2011/12/mozilla-festival-what-next/) [earlier](http://michellethorne.cc/2011/12/fireside-chat-starting-a-learning-network-in-your-city/), this year we’re all about kitting out [web makers around the globe](https://commonspace.wordpress.com/2011/10/05/mozilla-learning-summary/) to build and learn about the web in **formats that are fun, sane, and effective.** So in particular, as an event model for the coming year takes shape, participants and…